Hi, I'm Paige! I'm a wife, animal advocate, fur mom of {Stinker our rescued momma pitbull, Stewy our adopted puppy from one of our rescues & Wibbles our Walmart parking lot lionhead bunny},writer, blogger, photography lover, DIY'er & obsessor of everything cozy home! I have two degrees, one in Criminal Justice & another in Paralegal Studies! My passion for writing and home decor have merged & have become the BLOG! I operate this blog entirely by myself & taught myself one night on a whim & well here I am almost 3 year's later! I'm not your average blogger, I wasn't always obsessed with DIY, home decor our domestic duties{ even though I grew up around constant DIY, cottage living & projects }. As you can see from the above degrees of study I was at one time interested in the criminal justice system. After marrying at the young age of 22 & just buying our first place the year before I knew I was in love with being a housewife & everything that entailed. I know what you are thinking..How could that be a passion? If you would have told me that 10 years ago I would have looked at you like you were crazy. I fell in love with being a pampered wife, decorator, & husband spoiler! We're just two entrepreneurs living life with two silly pibbles & 1 rescued bunny! I humbly welcome you to join us on this practical blogging & life experience like no other out there! We blog about everything home for the AVERAGE person/house, and always with thrifty finds {thanks to my husband Mark's foreclosure business} & honest posts! Sit back and let us help you make your home your sanctuary!!!