Sunday, August 4, 2019

{ Most Simple Dining Tablescape for any Style!! }

Today { Sunday } all I did was cozy in bed, photograph this space & wrangle dogs..Oh & eat pizza! My throat was a bit scratchy & most of my "To Do List" was completed! It was a rough end to the week due to people's shenanigans, but that's life! Simply brush it off & feel sorry they're  sad within themselves...Speaking of simple.. I'm sharing the MOST simple tablescape ever to hit my blog!! It fits any decor style, space or budget for that matter!! I wanted a clean fresh table look, so I rummaged in my decor stash & kept it as simple as possible, while still being that tad bit of cozy! Come read more below....


Candlesticks are the easiest, most durable & thrifty item!! You can visit your local thrift store & find them for a few $$ a piece or even garage sales!! They're fine if the dogs knock the table & the white candles you can find at Dollar Tree win!! 


Somehow I acquired all these candlesticks.. By somehow I mean from hand- me- downs, sponsorships, old decor etc... I didn't know what I wanted to do with them while cleaning until I set them on the dining table! I kind of cascaded them from small to big... Yep, the end ones black not doesn't bother me! I used what I had & as you can see we actually do use the candles!! They're all vanilla scented & smell lovely with the warm summer air pouring in!! 


They paired well with the decor I had up, so I basically left everything the same minus stacking a few vintage gold rimmed dishes & dried baby's breath! 


Side Note: Now that I'm looking at this photo, I remembered I have some smaller silver candlesticks that would have been nice mixed in.... Typical Paige afterthought ha! 


Quick post, but probably the most simple too!! Decor doesn't have to be hard, expensive or impractical!! I'm here to always help you love your home no matter size, budget or style! What's your take on this - candlestick tablescape -?
