So little random fact about me? I love old cozy paintings, prints etc....It's one of my first items I look for when we frequent antique shops, vendors, flea markets & so on. The other day I stopped in at a little shop I used to vend at to kill some time & anxiety! If you didn't know, tomorrow { Tuesday} I go for a brain CT scan. Something I never thought I'd be writing about or having to explain. I'm extremely scared not to mention I physically don't feel well from what's going on { praying it's just vertigo }. Anyways, to keep my mind off of things I stopped in at our local little shop not thinking I'd spot my dream piece!!!! You all know I loveee me some vintage East coast colonial style decor..Well, I now that the coziest piece above our living room mantel!!
First I'm so sorry this post is so short, & secondly the quality! I love to use natural lighting BUT M i c h i g a n..haha. I couldn't wait to show you this stunner though!! I paired it with some appropriate white metal lanterns, simple pumpkin or two & cottonstems for that classic fall colonial feel!!
The crock & sprigs of greenery add that fresh & vintage style paired as one.
I just love the simplicity of this old colonial farmhouse. It looks like some straight out of Maine..In fact I think I took a photo of a home similar while vacationing..YES MY MAINE OBSESSION IS REAL haha.
I wish I could have captured the detail a bit better..The rustic creased paper, imperfections , rustic charm & then some, and for only $ typo!!
What are some of your favorite things to collect?
Happy Tuesday!
As always THANK YOU for stopping in on my little growing blog. I know everyone says something like this, but I honestly appreciate each of you for sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular blogger, but I am humble, real & practical ,and hopefully helpful or inspiring in someway :).
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