Hey guys & welcome back to TQS!! I hope you all had a lovely weekend enjoying something fall-ish & doing something that made you happy! So a few days ago while running errands with my sister she spotted a Flea Market coming to one of our local parks/historical communities & of course we made plans to attend since these don't pop up around us very much! Well, today { Sunday } was the day & we threw some hats on, henleys & headed out to go pickin or junkin..It then dawned on me while visiting each booth, drinking the yummy lemonades & touring the historical homes that I've NEVER done a post on what to look for/ buy while out flea marketing etc.. For some people flea markets can be a bit overwhelming with all the goods & I can totally see why! I come from a long line of pickers, thrifters, DIY'ers & cottage goods, so why not share with you all some of the things I look for while "junkin". With the popularity of farmhouse & cottage decor at its peak it's time I share what to scope out & buy while marketing.. Come virtual junkin with me & read more below!!
There's something about the fall air that always has be loving junkin just that much more in the fall season..The crisp air, cozy drinks & of course you know my historical loving heart loves these homes hehe. This was just part of the market & food/ drink trucks etc.. I loves that the historical homes were open for touring as well..
Cottage & Farmhouse Finds to Look for:
- Wood Crates
- Glass Milk Bottles
- Handmade Pillows
- Dough Bowls
- Vintage Signs
- Antique mini Clocks
- Trunks
- Milk Cans
- Lanterns
- Mason Jars
- Windmills
- Olive Buckets
- Galvanized buckets/cans
- Old Glass Window panes
- Vintage Scales
- Tobacco Baskets
- Vintage Cabinets
- Old Wood Stools
- Wood Toolboxes
- Feed Bags
- Wood Barrels

What do you guys think about all these lovely vintage & antique goods being sold at the market this weekend? What do you like to look for while out pickin/junkin? I think my most favorite thing I spotted was this old plate cabinet from France!! I hope this was informative in some way..& as always HAPPY JUNKIN :) !!
Happy Monday!
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