Heyyy pals & welcome back to the blog!! Me blogging on Saturday...yup it's true haha! I wanted to pop on here & quickly share our summer greenhouse garden centerpiece for you guys! I'm not hosting Mother's Day, but if you are this would be the most simplest centerpiece EVER & super festive + fresh! I got the inspiration from my grams where I got these huge vintage terracotta pots & our yard actually...even though it's still not done I wanted to bring the outdoors in, but in typical " Paige" style...You guys have heard me talk about this many of times before but I'm not a green thumb so I use mostly faux greenery with the exception of a few...I had this industrial two tray stand from Target & decided to fill it with greenery, pots & add come vintage junkin' finds the side of it on the dining room table. See I told you literally the easiest centerpiece ever!! You could use any stand you want or have, grab some Dollar Store terracotta pots, flowers & greenery & voila complete!!! Come see more below...
So, while I was at my grams picking in her potting shed, I also got that little orange stool that desperately needs to be painted..I'll be sharing that soon too. Loving how this little dining area of ours in coming into what I had planned for this summer. I was going to switch out that 1940's chandy we got from a 1930's B &B but I see how popular it is now as I've seen many of you implement it in your homes..which makes me so thrilled!!
Our dining room gets so much light & breeze through it..I can't wait to show you the new cottage doors once they're installed. I love this one in the back because it's over 40 years old, but unfortunately it just doesn't work for what we need anymore. I will be sharing the transformation soon!!
I've been meaning to ask this question for quite sometime now..so since we're white washing the whole upstairs..do you think we should paint the barn door or leave as is??? Let me know in the comments for via my social media outlets!!
I always get nervous to share photos of myself via the blog because I have facial scars from a serious dog bite when I was 2 yrs old & 3 surgeries. My new go-to motto these days is " who cares" be yourself & share share shareeee! I love sharing my process with you guys & most of the time I'm not made-up but in a long braid, tank & baseball cap.SIMPLE ME.
I hope you guys liked this simple cottage garden tablescape. It's perfect for Mother's Day. Speaking of which, I don't really talk about much because it's a sad but happy day for us. Happy because we celebrate my mom who is so strong & helpful, but sad because of the tragic loss of Mark's mom when we was just 12. We celebrate her everyday, but it doesn't get easier. I also want to wish everyone who is trying to become, is or was a mom & that includes dog mommas too. Although we don't want kids, that doesn't stop my heart from feeling for those who do or have lost one.
Happiest weekend, pals!
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