Thursday, July 7, 2016

{ Our Pure Michigan Vacation Scenery / Guide! }

Happy Thursday everyone! Today I'm sharing some of our shots from this past holiday weekend & a little scenic tour guide to some fabulous spots here in Northern Michigan!! I'm sorry I don't have any home decor related posts up this week as we have about 3 different projects going on & it's been busy around here eeek! I should have the blog filled for next week though so no worries! Today is all about our great state of Michigan & some gorgeous pictures I snapped from the weekend! I'll be honest Northern Michigan is one of the most soothing spots to travel, but I can't picture myself living there all year long! I'll be doing little briefs below if you're interested in visiting some of Northern Michigan in the future etc..

C R Y S T A L  L A K E

Crystal Lake is one of those hidden gems that once you take a peek you're hooked! We stumbled upon this little spot while driving around Frankfort & we're so glad we did! I would compare it to Torch Lake { located 1.5 hours North } , but even better than Torch Lake actually! I know that's a big statement considering Torch Lake is voted #3 in the world by National Geographic. The water literally was like the ocean..Pure sand, little to no fish, no seaweed & really refreshing { about 68-71 degrees }! We loved that it was a swimming beach & you could wade out a long distance & still see the crystal clear water even up to around 20ft!!

I wish I could have gotten a picture while out on the sunning deck! The view was absolutely breathtaking!!!! The lake overlooks the pure Michigan mountains & gorgeous craftsman cottages. P.S My husband & I may have swam all the way out & jumped into 20ft water off of the sun deck..very exhilarating for me haha ;)!

L A K E  M I C H I G A N

Lake Michigan is almost a given in our state! We visited Lake Michigan 2 years back while we were staying on Torch Lake at a B &B, and were kind of disappointed! This year we visited a few locations & the water was absolutely stunning! I would recommend Frankfort beaches for the best view & more of a quaint feeling if you want to avoid the mass crowds, but still enjoy the beaches, blue waters & mountain/dune views!

B E T S I E  L I G H T H O U S E

Out of all the pictures I've ever taken the Betsie Lighthouse has to be my most favorite scenic pictures! Seriously I was just randomly shooting while my husband & sister were exploring higher grounds { I'm afraid of heights } & when I got back to our cottage to go through the pictures from that day I literally thought it was something I screenshot & forgot about.. It's the most quaint beach & lighthouse with a cute little sandy beach opening leading to the beautiful Lake Michigan. This lighthouse beach isn't for swimming as it's super choppy, deep & rocky, but literally out of a magazine in every other way.


Frankfort was about 15 miles from our little place in Mesick & it's adorable! It's a little beach town that offers sandy beaches overlooking dunes & mountains, cute shopping, coast guard, art gallery on the water, piers & the cutest homes!!! This may be my new favorite place in northern Michigan!

I really hope you guys liked this little mini guide to some awesome spots in northern Michigan! So many fun & quaint spots to explore & take in! Go visit some of these scenic locations, I promise you'll love them! Until next time northern Michigan.. :)!

Side Note: These last few pictures were of some tree farms down the street in Mesick from our place. I'm sure you all know by now that I'm Christmas Tree obsessed, so of course I had to get some pictures as the sun was going down! 

It just wouldn't be a downright country adventure without the good ole +Jeep  AKA "White Wonder" hehe !

***Be sure to follow all my social media below for more pictures from our little northern getaway & what we're up too in our home daily etc.... 

As always THANK YOU for stopping in on my little growing blog. I know everyone says it, but I honestly appreciate each of you for sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular blogger, but I am humble, real & practical and  hopefully helpful or inspiring in someway :). 
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