Happy Saturday from my bed haha! Getting some early morning work done & wanted to share a few photos of my whimsical rustic basement! This is the space where we all gather, but this year first time in nearly 10 years that we're not hosting! Being that's it's still the gathering spot, I wanted to decorate it but just simply! It's a cabin lodge theme year round, so adding some rustic Christmas touches wasn't too hard! Come see a few peeks below....
There's something so magical about simple pine trees & white whimsical lights! My sister had this tree delivered as a wonderful gift to me { my other beloved tree gave out } . I strung the lights & reached as high as I could { haha} but couldn't reach the 7.5ft top all too great. I'm afraid of heights horribly especially with vertigo, so the tops a little sparse ha.
I didn't take many shots down here, but the sofas are the same forest green Lane fabric ones with some new pillows & comfy throws. I wanted to focus on the decor & mantel! Simple trees, green chunky candles & lots of winter antique goodies!
I hope you loved this cozy Christmas basement! It's simple, comfy, rustic & definitely magical!!
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