Happy CYBER MONDAY!! You know what that means CHRISTMAS everything!! One area I never share is our downstairs dining nook!! I'm not sure why I don't other than it's darker down there & well not finished EXACTLY the way I want it...Okay, maybe I do know why ha. Well, today I thought I'd share a glimpse of what it looks like with a few touches of Christmas...this space isn't exactly how I want it but it actually gets used quite often, especially during the holidays! So, today I'm sharing this little dry kitchen nook in our lower level!!!
Hope you enjoyed this little unfinished space!! It's cute, functional & super comfy & clean. • What spaces do you have that aren't finished, but you're working on & loving in the process?
I kept things super simple with a cozy little mini whiskey keg from Target, bottle brush trees & cupcake candles! I added the white runner for brightness, since our lower level can be darker..especially with our Michigan winter starting!
Adding a Christmas plaid pillow to the dining table bench & some red ticking stripe pillows help with the Christmas vibe without it being loud...Because the living room take the cake { Blog POST COMING SOON}. This table isn't my favorite, but it's sturdy, comfortable & a nice overflowing for guest. We bought it brand new from a chain store 2012 { who were we¿?} & I'm pretty sure that's the only new table we've owned..hahaha Our rustic love runs deep ha!
The vintage mini mugs are to a set with a matching bowl that was gifted to me!! I love the nostalgic feel. I set some white candle sticks & gold rimmed dishes on this rustic hutch above the microwave.
This piece came from an old home up in Michigan! It's handmade, so sturdy & the rustic barnwood is amazing!! I've never shared this but I have a love for hutches...& barnwood...dream piece!!
As always THANK YOU for stopping in on my little growing blog. I know everyone says something like this, but I honestly appreciate each of you for sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular blogger, but I am humble, real & practical ,and hopefully helpful or inspiring in someway :).
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