Hey everyone!! First happy Friday & second happy almost weekend, right?! I don't know about you ,but I'm so excited about the upcoming weekend..We've got a project we're working on & another I'll be finishing up!! Sometimes random projects that just work out so perfect make my heart flutter { more on that project next week } & today was one of those dayssss! I'm not going to lie or sugarcoat anything, but I've been going through a rough patch.. Things are a bit rough with getting everything in order business wise, and other stuff.. & when plans don't go as planned out it drives me up a wall..ocd crazy!! I've been trying to work on my patience, but sometimes the worries get the best of me..It's one of my daily struggles... When I'm struggling I tackle projects, or house things with my indie music playing to keep me physically/ mentally going.. Our house isn't perfect nor our projects, but we're real & hopefully can inspire one of you at some point.. After all your sanctuary wherever or whatever that may be is your place of renewal , right? :)! Anyways today I'm sharing our guest room spruce up all for under $25! I was laying in there { I was sleeping in there while my hubby's eye was healing from an accident } & was looking around & felt bored with the decor..The next day I had a girly day with a friend & decided to grab a few simple goodies to spruce it up for spring / neutralize it! I wanted it to feel like a southern cottage style room with a botanical feel too if that's a style haha..Me & my ideas hahah.
I had some comfy white pillows & brand new white sheets so I just needed a simple & on the cheap decorative pillow, so I picked this $7 check one up at +IKEA USA .
I'll be painting the furniture in this room soon, but for now I just kept the decor neutral with pops of silver & black mixed with some greenery. Since it's finally warming up here in the mitten I can get my hands dirty painting this guest room furniture how I've wanted to for months!!!! ;)
So keeping with that "southern botanical cottagey feel " I added some vintage goods we had stashed in the garage..The pitcher, screen & old bucket of flowers! I added the fresh rosemary painting from +HomeGoods . The lamps were a DIY { search right side of blog for tutorial } & the greenery is from Ikea again.
I scored those wicker baskets with the plaid lined rim for under $5 a piece at +Hobby Lobby !! I got 3 & they were perfect for the space. The magazine holder is from +Marshalls , the chair was free & the rugs were from our condo.
This little corner used to house our niece's toy dolls & stuffed bunnies..I thought the rustic bucket of flowers was enough, I've since then added some cozy pillows.. The wall art is from +IKEA USA & I got both of them for $1!!!!!! I didn't want them framed..I wanted more of a simple look so I used silver tacks for an effortless simplistic look..
This vintage wood shadow mirror was a thrift find from my mom! I added some little trinkets , keys, doves & succulents. The antique bed is a family "treasure".
I really hope you guys liked this little room spruce up. It's the most simple styling, yet so cozy & fresh! Have a lovely weekend & I can't wait to share some new { bigger } projects on the horizon!
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