Well, since its only a few days until Christmas { It went too fast } I thought I'd share a simple, but oh so cozy DIY for all those wonderful Christmas cards you receive each year! I don't know about you, but I sure love seeing everyone's yearly card or family photos! I've always loved stationary & photography so this is right up my alley ha. Each year I always wonder what to do with all our cards from friends & family, especially the out of state special ones..Well, this year I came up with the perfect easy & festive way to display them all in one area! Come see this simple DIY CHRISTMAS CARD DISPLAY below....
Did you guess it right?? If you guessed a vintage toboggan, you'd be absolutely correct! We've had this vintage huge wood toboggan for years & every year I love to display it! It's antique, so it only comes out around Christmas & this year it served as a DIY!!
Stand the toboggan up & secure if you have children etc.. Place the cards staggered across the wood ledges! Ours had no problem just leaning on the slats. If the cards fall, use a bit of tape on the backsides.
- Toboggan
- Cards
- Greenery
- Any decor of your choice
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I can remember as a kid my mom always taping our Christmas cards around our square kitchen entrance & we'd always see if we could fully fill the arch!!
I strictly used our Christmas card photoshoots from previous years, because I didn't want to invade family +friends privacy, especially with photos of their children.
It was so fun to see all the years of Christmas cards we've shot...Oh & my ever-changing hair color ha.
One card is missing from our collage { this year's 2020 } but you can see our 2020 Christmas photoshoot
I used a vintage red & white enamel pot with some faux snowballs, lots of greens & warm white Christmas lights..
I hope you loved this idea to display cards!! Do you send out cards or display the ones you get? Let me know some different ways in the comments!
HAPPY Friday!
As always THANK YOU for stopping in on my little growing blog. I know everyone says something like this, but I honestly appreciate each of you for sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular blogger, but I am humble, real & practical ,and hopefully helpful or inspiring in someway :).
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