Happy Monday pals! We're supposed to get dumped with snow today, so what better way than to show our fresh greenery splashed bedroom! This past weekend a friend & I visited our local nursery & of course the fresh greens caught my eye...Fresh Cypress greens to be exact! $4 a bundle & they smell amazing!!
I went so simple in this space this year but honestly it's so calm & peaceful & what a perfect day to cozy in with our new down comforter from Downlite as well!. Snow, greens, Monday off..CHECKK ha! Anyway, come see our 2020 Christmas bedroom below....
I just played off the cream & black plaid curtains we already had up! Since we don't have a bed frame { coming soon } the curtains are our main focal point. The reason we originally never put a bed frame in here is because of the backdrop panel of curtains! This room has an odd layout for the windows and we just decided to offset the off-centered window with a panel! Now, that we've found a bed frame..it might be looking a bit different soon!
I just simply draped some of the greenery around & through the chandelier! Ahh it smells so refreshing! I love the way cypress is so easy to maneuver but so dense! It's an easy way to bring the holidays into any space cos efficiently & effortlessly!
This vintage Merry Christmas sign was a junking find at a local market years back! It's perfect for our bedroom mantel & it's double sided! The back reads: Happy Holidays in cranberry!
I struggle with this fireplace because of the shelving a bit! We had a DIY planned for this but I got to inpatient & decided to photograph it anyway! BUT, stay tuned because it's going to change soon too! I just love this little electric fireplace on in here during the winter months, especially since our room runs cool!
I had a vision while decorating this space & I wanted a but of country farmhouse, pinch of primitive & lots of natural festive nature..That's my recipe for this space ha!
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