Oh boy I can't believe I'm sharing these tips hahaha...I don't claim to be an "organizer" & actually Mark is soooo much better at organizing than me! I'm the cleaner & picker- upper , but he is the organizer for sure in our home! Well, since being down with my issues/ vertigo these last few months I had a lot of time to be in the house...I actually don't mind it but after all the events, some tragic like our dog passing etc.. I needed a fresh start to 2019 or as fresh as I could make it under the circumstances.. Our home is already pretty simple & organized & I'm just going to come out & say it, I CLEAN ALL THE TIME & enjoy it { I know, I'm crazy }, so that wasn't really an issue but there were spaces that we just let go or simply "tossed" items into, under or stuffed here & there ha. I had some free time & decided not only to paint our pantry { HERE } but also organize/ deep clean a few spaces & make them semi pretty! These are the most simple tips & I hope you enjoy them & you get inspired to declutter...the practical way... I didn't spend hundreds of dollars at the container stores or have a personal organizer come in { not that it's wrong } , but I want to inspire EVERYONE, not just those who can spend a ton of money on projects! Anyways, here are a few of my tips....
- Use crates/ Bins
- Pitch expired food
- Organize snacks/ cans etc..
- Use labels if needed
- Pitch out half eaten food.
Under Sink
- Wipe under the sink
- Pitch almost empty cleaners / expired cleaners
- Use clear jars for dishwasher pods { you can keep track of how many }
- Organize cleaners
- Keep minimal cleaning scrubbers/ supplies
Small Appliances/ Pans
- Wipe clean
- Store all together
- wrap cords nicely
- Pitch rusted pots/pans
- Pitch peeling pans
- Pitch old spices
- Organize spices from oils/ sprays
- Use containers
- Pitch old or unused recipe books
- Inspect glasses/ organize together types
Drawers/ Storage
"Storage/ maintenance closet aka the old dining room pantry "
- Organize linens
- Go through silverware / pitch old knives
- Pitch mismatched items
I hope these quick & simple tips help you achieve a less cluttered, more functional home. Happy cleaning & organizing pals & if you have any tips for me PLEASE leave them below!!! I love hearing from you all!
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blog. I know everyone says something like this, but I honestly appreciate each of you for
sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular
blogger, but I am humble, real & practical ,and hopefully helpful or
inspiring in someway :).
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