Oh heyyyy there Monday I see & FEEL you haha! What's up pals, thanks for stopping back in! I'm going to keep this super simple since I feel like I'm on "borrowed" time right now...No, not that kind of b o r r o w e d time, the kind that you have to rush because at any moment you'll have to step away from your computer. Why is this you ask? We have a 5 week old rescue puppy with us right now & it's been crazy you guys ha. He's the cutest little baby, & I'll do a post on him soon & fostering him etc.. Today I wanted to QUICKLY share our fall decor in the kitchen window! It might seem like a weird place to take pictures & it is, but it's one of my go-to areas to spruce up simply. It always seems to be a hit on social media too, which again, is weird since it's the kitchen sink/window..Maybe because it's not a common place to decorate but here I am doing it ha...typical. Okay, come take a closer look at this fresh little fall area...I hope you love it!
I know ferns are more summer, but I couldn't help but keep this mini Lemon Button Fern up! It's grown so much & I'm pretty proud haha. I decided to add more green with some apples & of course white pumpkins!
All different style white pumpkins- YES PLEASE!! K kept this area super simple, but still cozy for fall. Things we use every day & then some a cute decorative candle, plant pitch, coffee cups & a DIY wood sign..
I'm so in love with the whole house white wash, but specifically this area. Bright & clean with ferns...Cottage goodness!
I debated on doing a post on this #diy sign...I wanted it to look old, worn & like it was located on a side of the road..It was the simplest sign, maybe I post. The white & gold stem pumpkins are from Target for $3.
Okay I have to run..literally upstairs because the baby puppy is SCREAMING! I hope you guys liked this post!! Post on our new baby soon. Off I go!
Happy Monday!
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