Tuesday already?! Crazy... I spent yesterday at my new endocrinologist & I was pleasantly surprised at how awesome he & his office team were. The first time I think in my life where my blood pressure wasn't a medical emergency from my nerves. I got some news I didn't want to hear, but it wasn't h o r r i b l e, so I'll take it. I may sound crazy but I'm super proud of myself for just making the appointment & showing up. It's taken me almost a decade to get courage to share what's going on & make my body a priority while not feeling "weak" for having these issues. Anyways after I got home I was drained & needed a creative outlet / recharge so I styled our dining room for spring with some much needed garden goodies...See the rest below!
I always seem to do this come springtime, but I like to downsize our table, simplify our table decor & just make it fresher. The holiday's are over, less heavy dinners & more spring / summer time spent outdoors.
I picked up these plant markers at Target this past weekend for $6 & thought they added to the garden ambiance even with faux greenery.
I've never been into copper, but I had a few thrifty finds laying around & they added that cottagey vintage greenhouse charm...These kitchen coffee canisters make great planters ha.
The cozy brightness of this dining room is screaming spring!! Blooms, vintage collections, & tons of greenery..check checkkk!!
This space truly is a happy one in our home & gets used a lot. What space in your home gets used the most? What's your absolute FAVORITE item to decorate with this year for spring? I'm never into trendy, so clue me in !
Happy Tuesday!