Like for most, 2020 has been a very difficult year...Unfortunately ours hasn't been fantastic either. From not being able to find a house to losing my grandma to silly disagreements to health issues! With all that being said, I wanted to share our 2020 Christmas card. I share our card every year with a little photoshoot of it because honestly it's a fun shoot we do together each year! Come see what we came up with this year....
It was a gorgeous end of November Sunday & perfect for a little club car ride in the woods!! We loaded "Gidget" up with 1 zillion different plaid items, trees & of course or matching plaid pajamas!!
Warm whimsical gold has been my jam this year! This is the first year I ran out of cards ordered from @Vistaprint
It wouldn't be a Christmas without the animals, so they made their appearance on the backside of the card!!
Do you send out a Christmas card? Whi do you use if you do? We've used Vista Print for almost 9 years...They're fast, affordable & easy to design!
HAPPY Monday!
As always THANK YOU for stopping in on my little growing blog. I know everyone says something like this, but I honestly appreciate each of you for sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular blogger, but I am humble, real & practical ,and hopefully helpful or inspiring in someway :).
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