Hold on guys before you think I've lost my mind or you click out because of the word "floral" I promise it's cute cottagey floral, not green 1960's floral hahah! Let me back track a bit..So a few days ago while I was outside snapping some spring bloom pics HERE around our cottage I stopped to sit on our back patio & just take in the sun & beautiful day! It was then I realized I wanted to add some color to our homes interior simply..but how?! Yup, you guessed it..by switching out our dingy ripped white IKEA sofa cover for something new!! I still can't believe I pulled the trigger & got the brightest floral slipcover ever haha especially because color isn't always my friend in decor or any part of my life actually! Sunday Mark & I headed out to Ikea to enjoy some retail therapy & Chinese after since it was gloomy & rainy! Mark actually is the one who actually spotted this one & said go for it!! With him & my mum pushing, I DID IT!! We now have a bunch of beautiful spring color in our upper living room! I'm not going to lie at first I was really turned off by the contrast, but with a few decor changes it has grown on me in the last day already!! Come see some quick snaps below { sorry about the half done wall decor & phone pics }!
Do you guys see even in my clothing I'm neutral haha..I can't help it!
I kind of just shopped the house for some simple items to throw in with the new cover..these grey/blue pillows from forever ago being one of them! I love that it still looks cottagey just fresher & brighter! You guys know I hate going with the masses & that plain white Ektorp was getting way to popular/trendy for me..So I had to do something a bit different & honestly out of my comfort zone & LOVE IT!
Here is a quick snap from the store lighting for you guys.. Below is right when we brought it home! I wanted to show you how it looked in different lighting etc..Since today's pictures are a bit dark thanks to our Michigan weather!
Side Note: The cover was $200
Of course I started styling the room before the slipcover was even on hahaha TYPICAL Paige move right there! Hereeee I come with my shopping tote from our downstairs decor room...{ insert my husband cracking up }
It's so refreshing & uplifting!! I'm always honest with you guys & sometimes even though I LOVE cottage/ farmhouse style decor sometimes it can be taken too far & becomes BLAH & DEPRESSING! This adds the perfect cottagey bright charm for our upcoming breezy Michigan summer!
Still undecided on if this wall decor will stay or change..Blog post coming soon on the small change-ups! If you noticed I removed all the black almost & switched out for more white, cream & wood tones..including the black lantern chandy!
So far I'm in love & literally just hours before blogging this I was complaining to my mom how I didn't think it was going to work...ALWAYS have patients & let things soak in!!
I love that the green bench turned coffee table pops now too!! You can see that newer post HERE
- What do you guys think about this new slipcover? Let me know below!!
Happy Tuesday!
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