Happy Monday pals! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually glad it's Monday! This has been a long weekend of home updates, issues & just life. Before I sound like I'm complaining I want to say how THANKFUL I am for my husband & his wonderful pals for coming to our rescue when our laundry room decided to flood { thankfully small amount } but just enough to make things messy, which my OCD didn't tolerate very well!! While his contractor buddies were fixing things we decided to get two new doors & fix/update some other things...See not all our summer weekends are cozy.. I promise! Anyways while in the midst of all that, I decided it was time I got some new things for the kitchen area since our vintage glass salt + pepper shakers finally took a turn for the worse haha..Let's just say that Markie went to put some pepper on his food & well got more than he bargained for ha! I knew I wanted some that were similar so I quickly popped in at HomeGoods & well come see the other cute goodies...
I had a few of these jars from a few years back from a fall collection but they busted...because I'm clumsy. Fast forward to a few days ago when our shakers broke I spotted these 3 jars 1 large & two smaller ones & had to get them! I wasn't even thinking about the shakers & then spotted the same white milk glass mason jar shakers to go with..yay!
I also picked up that white pitcher to water our indoor & outdoor plants since our back porch hose is being worked on..I had one similar from Michaels & it cracked so this one on sale for under $10 was perfect!
This wasn't something I was planning one getting but we needed a candle for the kitchen area & this on struck my fancy! I love the packaging, color & the fragrance is SO GOOD! The hint of sweet fig but crisp late summer/fall leaf undertone is so refreshing!!
Not the funnest thing to photograph but I was on the look out for a new butter dish since ours was old & just kind of blahhh..I didn't want one that looked "new" but had some character & went with our cottage farmhouse kitchen! I like the rustic aged look & it was only $8 & the only one at least when I bought it!
This little set that matched the above storage masons was also under $10! They're perfect for our little fam of 2, the only thing I dislike is that they're not labeled but that's no big deal! They go perfectly in our little kitchen & add just a pinch more charm!
I hope you enjoyed this little update on some simple goodies I've picked up in the last few days..Sometimes I like doing these simple posts for you guys just so you can gather ideas & most of the time these posts are big hits. What do you guys like better in terms of posts? Let me know, so I can better help you all, because it's you guys that keep me going on this blog journey! CHEERS to you ALL!
Happy Monday, pals!
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