Tuesday already? Geesh these weeks are just flying by & that kind of upsets me...This is the best time of the year because it's so cozy, loving & magical! I get that the holiday's aren't everyone's cup of tea, but I'm on a mission each year to warm everyones heart...whether it's because you're lonely, sad, financially struggling, sick etc..I mentioned in yesterday's post HERE that I went super simple with Christmas decor & more easily to transition into winter decor because let's face it Michigan winters are LONG! Today I'm sharing the comfiest warmest cottage gingerbread dining room!!! In the 7 years of blogging this simple cozy gingerbread dining room is my favorite! It's so cohesive, comfy & warm..Like making fresh gingerbread with your gram ha. Come see the full look below...
** WARNING: Super picture heavy post....just the way y'all like it haha!
As always THANK YOU for stopping in on my little growing blog. I know everyone says it, but I honestly appreciate each of you for sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular blogger, but I am humble, real & practical and hopefully helpful or inspiring in someway :).
***You can find me here for updates & more ,or SUBSCRIBE on the right side of my blog for FREE & direct updates right to your mail...
** WARNING: Super picture heavy post....just the way y'all like it haha!
It all started with this chunky wood gingerbread sign I found on Etsy...I loved the authentic wood, green & brown. Our dining rug is forest green & I liked the cohesive feel it added.
I kept the cabinet super simple with antique cream & tan plaid plates, white dishes & lots of mason jars..I wanted the eye to be on the cozy grids & actual furniture piece...This piece might be moving soon..😉.
I picked up these neutral gingerbread men from Dollar Tree & they fit perfect. I didn't want an overpowering amount of layers this year as in decor..You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find neutral gingerbread goods...
Along with the sign, I ordered this gingerbread banner off of Etsy!! I'll be honest, I don't order much off of Etsy, because, well it's pricey.
This dining room is sooo comfy , festive but also very simple. We enjoy many dinners in here, dogs tipping chairs & all ha.
• I'll be blogging the downstairs dining room soon!!
If you can't tell, I have an obsession with french cottagey gridded windows..everything in our little cottage is gridded...even our vintage pantry door. It just adds so much charm.
DIY coming soon!
I wish I could have you all over for a huge charcuterie board feast, laughs & desserts!!
I incorporated my great grandpa's rolling pins into the tablescape...old with the new is KEY for cozy decorating!
- Fun fact, my papa used to own a restaurant...boy do I wish he was still here & his restaurant!
I hope you enjoyed this comfy holiday baking look! Simple, fresh & attainable...my go to motto in decorating.
***You can find me here for updates & more ,or SUBSCRIBE on the right side of my blog for FREE & direct updates right to your mail...