Wednesday already? Geesh these summer days are flying by over here!! After purging our dining room & restyling our trusty ole vintage corner cabinet, I got to thinking... I've never shared Simple ways to Style a Cabinet for Summer!! I've mentioned this before, but I love & actually crave simpler decor during the the warmer summer months. Now, this doesn't mean skimp on the "cozy" factor but just less heavy layered looks! I decided to use this cabinet as my muse, because it needed a good cleaning & spruce up!! I cleared some collections out & added some summery goods instead, yet still cozy!! Come see more below...
1. Keep it very fresh & simple!
I achieved this by taking away my dark amber bottle collection, wine glasses, & dark mugs etc.. I replaced with simple black + white dinner plates, mini milk bottles & a vintage spice rack!!
2. Keep it Neutral!
I know, I know neutral for summer..boring right? Well, wait one minute & hear me out!! You can use color if you want but keep it to 3. Any more than 3 can be clustered or too bold..we're going fresh & simple! I brought in a bit of color with these chippy pottery blue bowls!!
3. Keep Shelves Cohesive!
Go with like items styled differently per shelf but still balanced. The example is above.. I used almost the same things on each shelf of the cabinet, just styled a bit differently with sizes. I still kept the cohesive vibe though.
4. Add Greenery!
This ones a given but adding greenery or even flowers will bring that nature element inside!!
5. Keep White Space!
Say what?! I know weird right? Well, in the summer more fresh white while decorating the better!! This means less is more & keeps things airy! You don't need to layer or bring as much warmth to the space in the summer by hiding open spaces..if that makes sense to you!
I hope these quick & simple tips help you decorate your cabinets, hutches or shelves for summer easily!