Happy Friday y'all! No, I'm not from the south, but saying "y'all" is easier & I think we should adapt to it here in the north haha. Speaking of the south, I have a yummy dish just in time for Mother's Day! Around our house & in our family we love a good spicy dish & this one I created today { on a whim} is nothing short of amazing!! It's super simple, but packed full of flavor & is super easy to serve to a larger group. So, back to that on the "whim" part..Ya, you hear that a lot from me haha, but it's true I'm an on- the -whim type of person/ blogger ha. So last week we acquired a bunch of pasta from a friend of ours { THANKS GUYS } because their rather large stock pile was expiring..Well, since the food bank wouldn't take them & we love pasta & they were perfectly fine we decided to take some off their hands. I mean if you haven't noticed I try to keep things as practical as they get around here on TQS & we just don't do the whole wasteful thing..That means it was time to make something with all this pasta! This pasta recipe is my own, but there are similar recipes out there. Come take a peek & jot this one down, it's delicious!!!!
. 1 bag medium shrimp { cut tails off }
. 1 package spaghetti pasta or substitute angel hair
. 1 can of diced tomatoes or Italian diced tomatoes
. 1 stick of butter
. Half of a fresh tomato
. Half a teaspoon of basil
. Half a teaspoon salt & pepper
. 1 teaspoon Cajun spice
. Half a teaspoon pepper flakes
. Pinch of chili powder
. Half a teaspoon onion powder
. Teaspoon of garlic
. Half a teaspoon parsley
Note: These spice measurements are all estimates & can be tweaked to your liking.
Start your pot of water with salt to flavor the pasta. Cook the pasta just like you would like you're making regular spaghetti. Time to start to the sauce..Rinse your shrimp in warm water & cut the tails off each one. Get your pan warm & add the stick of butter { You can use olive oil too, I was out & wanted a tad bit of a creamier sauce}. Once the butter is slighting melted, but not sizzling add your shrimp & ALL the spices. Once the shrimp are opaque looking & have a bit of color, dump your tomatoes in!! Let this cook up until the sauce becomes settled & a bit on the thicker side. Check your noodles/ drain them with just a pinch of water left & set them aside. Empty your sauce you just made into another dish & leave the remnants in your pan. Slice a few slices of fresh tomato & cook until they're seasoned with the leftover sauce & take out. Take some noodles & place some delicious & extra spicy sauce on top, then add your fresh tomato to the top & garnish with a tiny bit of parsley/salt & pepper ,and Parmesan cheese if you like. E N J O Y!!!
Mmm, I want seconds hehe!
I really hope your loved ones enjoy this dish! I love how simple it is, yet how much heat & flavor it packs. Wishing all my Mother's { Fur & Heaven included } a - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY WEEKEND - !
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