Well that weekend just flew right by...We didn't do anything crazy or exciting & I'm perfectly fine with that. We both got caught up on some work, Mark worked on his work truck { if the season would ever get here } & I deep cleaned, staged & photographed today's post for you guys!! I was getting super bored with out fireplace mantel in our upper level living room & decided to "spruce" it up with some greenery, & a DIY I should have blogged haha & some treasures aka junkin finds!! I swear it's the weekends when you don't have anything planned that you get the most done. As the sun set in our little cottage living room today it reminded me how far we have come & how much in the next few months will be taking place... I truly hope when you come to my blog you feel at home & can picture doing & recreating spaces I share! We live in an average home, do average things & are probably even simpler than you can imagine. I want this to be a place where the everyday person can be inspired -practically - as I've branded myself + this blog. Anyways I wanted to get that out hehe..Come see more of today's space below!
Okay, so if you've been a longtime blog reader you would know that this now" chalkboard" banner was actually in our room hanging above our bed but looked completely different...I decided to chalk paint the back of it so I could write on it & use it in other spots. The original side is still the same untouched. I do this with a lot of my decor so it gets "double" use or when I'm bored hahah.
I wanted to incorporate some spring into the mantel, but without all the floral jazz etc.. I had this metal watering can that is supposed to be for the wall, but happen to fit perfectly right here. The wood slices stayed the same & the chippy green baskets I just filled with plain greenery!
I think the herb banner gave the fireplace a nice bold rustic cottagey look & bonus it's versatile. I wanted to share a bit of our current coffee table in these photos too, because something will be happening in this space soon..if our weather ever warms up!
Cozy layered flowers, buckets, greenery & lanterns...basically everything cottagey / farmhousy!
I'm on the hunt for something above the TV, but haven't found the right item yet..I'm trying not to buy as much, junk as much or pick as much since moving obviously is less stressful with less things...h a r d not to,I know haha!! I hope you guys loved this space!!
Happy Monday!!
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