So, there's one area in our home that I always LOVE to decorate for Christmas...well every season for that matter! Our KITCHEN WINDOW!! I know, kind of an odd spot but it's just sooo comfy & nostalgic that I love photographing this area! It adds so much charm, {especially with the new gridded French style now} to our little cottage kitchen. Not only that, but I mean some cute cozy decor is always nice while doing dishes right?! Ha. Well, I'm going to keep this simple my pals...I'm super tired { busiest time in blogland}. Hope you enjoy this nostalgic Christmas window..I know it brightens my mood!
The nostalgic country kitchen feel with these warm Christmas lights sets the ultimate feel! I love popping them on when it gets dark early here now. Lighs a maple blueberry candle & literally don't want to leave home...
At first I was a bit stumped on what I wanted to do with this kitchen window ledge this year..Then I remembered I picked these antique tree cake pans up at a barn sale a few years back.. They fit perfect & flow nicely with this years Christmas dining room look..STAY TUNED, so excited!!
The only thing that really changed the look of this window was the new gridded window!! It coordinates with our front door & windows now plus gridded French style windows are the MOST charming!!
This antique space rack is one of my ultimate ever favorite finds..I'll never let it go ha. Enamel vintage tin for soaps, mini lamp, garland & voila! SIMPLE, AFFORDABLE & COMFY!
I hope you all loved this ADORABLE Christmas window! It was super easy to execute with some thrifty treasures! TRY IT & let me know or send me a picture HERE: to be FEATURED!
As always THANK YOU for stopping in on my little growing blog. I know everyone says it, but I honestly appreciate each of you for sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular blogger, but I am humble, real & practical and hopefully helpful or inspiring in someway :).
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Happy Wednesday!