Happy Friday friends & thanks so much for stopping back in!! If you've been following me you would most likely know I've been out of commission for a few days because of my back...not fun! While I've been taking it easy I did decide to add a few touches of spring/Easter to our upper level living room fireplace! I know I should've resting, but I literally can't go more than a few hours without decorating or thinking about decor/blogging etc..I'm obsessed & to be honest it's like therapy..or just my true passion I guess!!! I knew I couldn't do anything like painting or DIY these last few days, so I decided to do something simple, yet would cozy up our upper level for spring..even though it's currently hailing outside..#michigan haha! I've said it a few times but Easter isn't really my thing, but lately I've actually enjoyed adding springy Eastery touches around the house..Probably because it's been super gloomy here in the north! Anyways enough small talk ,come see our cozy & fresh mantel below!!!
I had these baskets in our guest room from at Hobby Lobby that I picked up last year for $4 each! They just so happen to match the grey check pillow covers from Ikea! The grass greenery is also from Ikea & the eggs are from Hobby Lobby.
The "herbs" sign was a DIY many years back..before blogging I believe.
Galvanized goods, greenery & vintage mason jars complete this white chippy milk painted mantel!
The bunny garland is from Target for $3!
The wooden legs are from an old family table, the pussy willow branches are from Michaels & the crocks were free finds!
What do you guys think of our cozy, greenery filled fireplace mantel? I love how rustic ,yet fresh & farmhousy it looks! The bits of Easter make it just festive enough without being overpowering I think! Let me know your favorite Easter / spring decor to use in the comments!
Happy Friday & weekend!!!
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blog. I know everyone says something like this, but I honestly appreciate each of you for
sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular
blogger, but I am humble, real & practical ,and hopefully helpful or
inspiring in someway :).
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