Hello, pals! Thanks for dropping back in on my little blog. Whoa things have been super busy & I feel like I'm in the race against time these days...For the past few weeks my best friend & my mom have helped me get my home in order for something super special coming up. Today while we were adding some finishing touches, I decided not wait until it's perfect, but just blog & get creative while in the moment /process! Come see some New England style fall exterior design below.....
The sign was a vintage find..It's so classic & traditional + added to the fencing look.
If you've been a long time blog reader you'd know that I love everything New England entails. That most definitely includes its vibrant bold traditional fall days.
The sign, simple white picket fence lined with pumpkins, red barn garage & fall foliage made this space come to life in the most simple way.
I hope you liked this sneak peek & exterior fall post! I'll be back hopefully soon to share more about this DIY vintage fence & what we've been up to & why...
HAPPY Monday!
As always THANK YOU for stopping in on my little growing blog. I know everyone says something like this, but I honestly appreciate each of you for sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular blogger, but I am humble, real & practical ,and hopefully helpful or inspiring in someway :).
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