You guyssss this post has me really excited!!! It's our 6 month review on our DIY Farmhouse Bathroom Light Fixture we made for close to nothing & without any drilling etc.. It's one of our most pinned posts { Follow me with the links below} & for great reason!! It seriously was the easiest project & added so much charm to a rather plain light fixture & bathroom! Today I'm sharing some info since we checked this project off our list about 6 months ago! Before I get started I'm going to be honest this bathroom is incredibly hard to photograph because of the space & light distribution! Bare with me on these photos I may have achieved while doing back bends { almost literally} trying to get these shots!
So since adding this DIY light we've had absolutely no problems with cracking, busting of the glass or heat accumulation issues! As stated in the original post here -->DIY FARMHOUSE BATHROOM LIGHT ** Use with caution, although mason jars are intended for high heat, so they work perfect in our opinion. The lights in this bathroom are on for no more than 30 minutes at a time usually & the jars to get hot!!!
The "Good Morning Gorgeous" sign is from +Hobby Lobby . I have been looking for something for that little space forever & came upon this sign 50% off & picked it up for $9!! They also have a "Good Morning Handsome" one , but this is my bathroom, so it wasn't needed really.
The mason jars have stayed tightly on the light fixture with no issues, the dust accumulation inside the masons has been non- existent & the cleaning overall extremely easy if something was to happen!
As far as the bulbs burning out quicker etc.. Well, we've had these same bulbs since we finished this project with no issues. You can visit the original post on this whole DIY in the above link or I'll leave it down at the bottom!
Some simple towels, the MOST delish & awesome burning candle from +HomeGoods , toilet paper & some storage baskets tie this space all together. Super simple & farmhousey!
Side Note: That towel rod usually is empty, because I'm OCD & think that's gross haha!
I have a bunch of these old vintage wood screens & needed something for this wall, so I tried one, and added a simple wreath with the same black & white check ribbon as the storage baskets & tied it all in!
I love how the mason jars look at night!! This picture unfortunately wasn't photographed at night, but the thick glass paired with the Edison style clear bulbs look sooo vintage & pretty! I really hope you guys liked this little review & update on the bathroom & DIY light fixture!
Wishing you all a happy & healthy week!
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