Wednesday, July 13, 2016

{ Adding Farmhouse Charm to ANY Fireplace! }

Hey guys!!!! Whoa today was a back snapping on my feet until 10pm type of day & you know what I LOVE it!! I love days where I'm non-stop in our little suburban cottage getting stuff done! I was all over the spectrum today from blogging to washing rugs outside..Yup, I'm that neighbor with my country blasting washing my rug on the fence line hahaha...eeek! Anyways since this little summer living room decor & furniture makeover we've been doing { Blog post COMING SOON } I decided to switch up our little electric fireplace mantel & it hit me I never blogged about what I add to make it that cozy farmhouse style! Truth be told I have a little obsession with fireplaces, but I'm not into modern rock ones or huge elaborate kinds for some reason..Maybe that's why I love our quaint & cozy little one, because it looks so cottagey?! Today I'm sharing the items I mostly add to achieve that charming comfy look! 
C H I P P Y  P I E C E S

The first thing I go looking for to add to the sides of the fireplace are cute little chippy accent pieces! Any type of old chippy stool, ladders, corbels etc.. serve as great fillers & add that cottage/ farmhouse look! I also like layering the top of our little fireplace so I added this chippy "fireplace box " on top of the mantel!

Both the chippy green stool & fireplace box were free junkin finds!

Side Note: Using vintage chippy pieces can be lead based. Test pieces before using.


Baskets are that staple item in the farmhouse/ cottage decor department! They add cozy inviting storage with lots of texture & bonus they're easy to find & even thrifty! I love setting them on the chippy stools to offset one side of the fireplace! 


I love using pillows to add that laid back comfy feel. They help add that intimate feel & balance out  all the wood, and solid pieces! They're thrifty & can be switched out effortlessly with the seasons! I particularity like to use neutral style pillows with wording & fabrics with more textures { grain sacks, burlap etc..}! The pillows pictured below are from +IKEA USA  & +Pottery Barn

M E T A L & W O O D

Using old metal & wood pieces are great because they add that neutral look, but also that classic vintage style that farmhouses offer! I used some old table legs from one of our many kitchen tables. I loved the wood work & they're great statement/ filler pieces! I also pop in little galvanized decor here & there to offset the dark wood. You can get many of these faux farmhouse & cottage goods here:Ikea Farmhouse & Cottage Decor .

G R E E N E R Y & T E R R A C O T T A

Obviously by now you guys know I love using greenery of any sorts to just about ever inch our our little suburban cottage..With that being said, I also love using terracotta to add that garden farmhouse mix! Again, they're neutral, cheap & versatile! You can see below I just added some greenery & flowers to a $1 flower pot from Dollar Tree. The wood slices & table legs were all free finds!


Wire baskets & storage are used in just about any farmhouse. They add texture & personally I just like the look of an old vintage wire basket! As for glass I mean can you go wrong with mason jars, glass pitchers etc? I use masons in just about everywhere in our house & the fireplace is no exception. You can grab a pack of 10 for around $8 +Target ! Super cheap & they can be used for anything including decor!!! I used an old chippy wood wire basket & flipped it upside down & filled it with some mason jars..easy peasy!


Ahh crocks that item that is the most sought after in this farmhouse style decor! I love using them for greenery potting, storage & well everything because they're sturdy & durable. I will say they're pretty easy to find at antique/ vintage shops, but you will pay for them...We have been fortunate to find over 10 free ones people pitched! The ones with the stamped "crowns" are indication of them being older & usually authentic! You can buy faux vintage crocks online at various stores with a quick google search!

V I N T A G E  B O O K S

Here is another obsession of mine..vintage books!!! Now I'll be the first to say, but I'm not an avid reader per say, but I sure to love opening a vintage book & reading the old material, illustrations & I'm obsessed with the old covers. You can use books for fillers, color & so much more. 

I hope this simple farmhouse guide helped you in some way to create a cozier fireplace & mantel. These basic items can add so much warmth in many different ways! What do you guys like decorating  your fireplaces with? I'm always looking for new ideas, leave them below in the comments :)! 

Wishing you all a happy & healthy Wednesday!! 

As always THANK YOU for stopping in on my little growing blog. I know everyone says it, but I honestly appreciate each of you for sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular blogger, but I am humble, real & practical and  hopefully helpful or inspiring in someway :). 
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