Okay today is one of those posts that I've debated on posting because it isn't "perfect". This is one of those things I struggle with the most...So today while my mom was over she popped in to our bedroom in the back of the house to see yesterday's post in person & while walking by my husband's office she mentioned how "cute" I mean masculine it looked..I kind of shrugged it off & said Yaa...BUT it's not finished!! I kinda of stopped & thought " when will it be finished" aka perfect?! I decided it's time to stop with that thinking & just blog it how it looks in the now!!! Our home is real & not just for show, so today I'm sharing his thrifty vintage style office as it is as of right now! I had a particular theme/style I was going for with his new office & it pretty bunch came together, well so far the way I had planned out! If you've been following the blog you would know my husband started his own business after being in the home/maintenance field for nearly 10 years...We started out with a little nook in our laundry room here:Office Nook , but since it grew these past 9 months we moved it upstairs into one of our spare rooms!
I started off by adding this vintage stool/shop chair because something about it just screamed "manly" haha! The glass window is vintage & I just used some leftover chalkboard paint to write o f f i c e on it. I was going for the classic 1930's vintage cozy office feel. I love the wood color & overall charm of it! The desk was actually mine that I used for a vanity for awhile! I ended up giving it a little cream/white paint dusting & then distressed the edges in brown!
The filing cabinet was a thrifty find ..You can see what we did with the other one here:DIY Bedroom Garment Organizer The rocker is from my great grandpa , the books are vintage & the clock was a wedding gift from my late aunt.
The office organizers are from +Target & the wood crate below was a free junkin find.
Side Note: The glass case has his reading glasses, the ones that are out are from a trip & we found them while snorkeling.. hence the dirty lenses hehe
Now that I'm looking at these pictures I actually think it looks pretty decent so far.. A few more touches & it should be good! I'm thinking of adding a few distressed leather pillows & maybe a new cozy chair for him?! Stay tuned for more updates!!! What do you guys think of this vintage manly office/den update??
Happy Thursday!
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