Hey everyone & thanks for stopping back in on my little blog! It's been one of those days where I was snuggled in bed because I've had a migraine since this morning..I think my sinuses are going crazy with this cold mixed up Michigan weather. Not complaining because you guys know I love the cold weather & because I love it soo much I decided to head out the other day in -7 to shop a bit for our home. I usually just shop our home, but I had been wanting something for our upstairs fireplace for quite sometime & when I spotted this dog gate, YESSSS dog gate I knew exactly where I wanted to use it at. In front of our fireplace!!! The shelving gets a bit hard to constantly decorate on the sides of our little fireplace & I was getting bored, so I wanted to hide them with an architectural piece & this wood gate was PERFECT!! After I found this gate I knew I wanted to freshen up the fireplace for winter & that's just what I did..Come see the full fireplace redo below...
I love that the gate is wood & was already distressed & painted this lovely cool grey! It's perfect for winter & the detail is amazing & bonus it's super easy to fold up!
I kept the mantel super easy with some flocked garland leftover from Christmas & just added some green & white candles...easy peasy! It's always nice to have a cozy wintery home with simple uncluttered decor while easing into the New Year.
Hahahah Oh, Stewyyy. We call him the "creeper peeper" & for good reasn right?! He's at my feet 24/7 lurking around every corner & it's literally so cute & funny. Mom's baby forever I guess..
Side Note: He's 4 aka not a baby haha!!!!
I picked up the lanterns while doing a haul @Ikea the other day..You can see the haul live here on my Vlog channel..*Come subscribe The Quaint Sanctuary Vlog Channel
What do you think about these new pieces added to the fireplace? A dog gate as decor & a fireplace accent..crazy right?! Let me know down below what you think!!
Happy Thursday!
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