Monday, October 22, 2018

{ How I keep our White Decor Clean with Animals..}

Hey pals..I'm back haha! I took a break because just to be completely honest I've been having a horrible flare up this entire month from my fibromyalgia etc..I've been trying to focus on myself & that means putting everything aside even business stuff, which kills me because I'm a people pleaser, but I have to. With fall & pumpkin season coming to an end{ for me } I'll be busy prepping for Christmas posts & wanted to share this asap!!! Today I'm back after a few days off with something I get asked quite a bit " How do we have so much white decor with animals?"..Well, today I'm here to share some of my secrets, ha just kidding they're just simple things I do around our home to keep things fresh, cozy & bright white!! Come read these simple tips below..

1. P I L L O W S

I use pillows to cozy up our Ikea slipcovered sofa & to keep the back of the cushions from getting dirty, because it's easier to wash the pillows or unzip the throw pillow cover rather than wash the bigger slipcovered cushions! Ikea Sofa Review HERE

2. B L E A C H

This is a given, but I use bleach a lot when washing our whites! It's so easy & cheap to buy a gallon of bleach & throw everything in at once..Even the dog's playroom/lounge has white bedding HERE

*As you can see the dogs are on the white rugs ALL the time & we even have a 7 week old rescue puppy bouncing around on it! So to answer some questions I get, Yes, the dogs are allowed on & around our white decor, walls, rugs, sofa, throws etc.. everyday!

I spy a puppy butt^ ..

3. B L A N K E T S

I use this little trick a lot in our home..I use older white sheets, blankets etc.. to place on the seating of the couch to cover the cushions so again I don't have to wash the entire slipcover but rather just the smaller blankets if accidents happen..

4. W I P E  P A W S

This is something we do just about every time the dogs come inside..We wipe their paws at our back "drop zone"! We keep towels, wipes etc.. in the silver container for easy access in case of mud or even worse...eeek ha!

5. B A R R I E R S

Okay, before I get the mean e-mails rolling in let me explain..Obviously our animals are allowed on the sofa's, rugs & EVERYWHERE in our home but at night we put up "barriers" so they don't get on the sofa. The first reason being the middle pibble " Stew" likes to strip my pillows of the zippers & the oldest girl " Stinker" has a hard time getting down & we don't want her falling accidentally while we're sleeping & the puppy well that's a given reason ha. We use old table legs to lay across the sofa at night & remove during the day. Easy peasy.

6. L I N T   R O L L E R

This one I use more when the seasons change from summer to winter & vise versa here in Michigan when the dogs shed..It's super easy to grab one from Dollar Tree & just swipe it just about anywhere to grab the lose dirt & hair if you don't have a large space to vacuum..I shared more in the Pet Cleaning Post HERE.

Happy Monday!
Anyways I hope you all got some simple & helpful tips from this post!! What are some of the things you do to keep your home clean with animals?! My OCD gets the best of  me sometimes, but I wouldn't trade our tribe of rescues for ANYTHING!
As always THANK YOU for stopping in on my little growing blog. I know everyone says something like this, but I honestly appreciate each of you for sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular blogger, but I am humble, real & practical ,and  hopefully helpful or inspiring in someway :). 
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