Wednesday, March 20, 2019

{ Simple Cozy Basement Tips }

Thursday already? Can't say I'm not happy about that because I'm ready for spring antique markets ha!! It is the first day of spring & in true Michigan fashion it's cold & rainy...oh & soooo m u d d y!  Although I don't care for the beginning of spring because of the mess, it is refreshing to unveil fresh earth, inhale the crisp breeze & enjoy the anticipation of summer. Speaking of summer, I like to spruce up the basement every early spring in preparation for summer. There's nothing cozier than coming in after a night on the patio to the cool basement to an ice cold glass of ice tea & a movie with the windows open!! It's cool relaxing & perfect for summer. 
I've never been a basement person but  ours is pretty nice & I've grown to love it. With that being said, it needs paint, new flooring & a few other touches, so definitely not perfect. Today I'm sharing some SIMPLE TIPS to cozy your lower level basement up!!  

1. Add Greenery!

Adding greenery to any space brightens it up, but especially basements because they tend to be darker. I love adding white blooms & lots of simple neutral flowers!

2.  Lots of Throws & Pillows!

Again, this can make any space cozy or inviting but more so in an area that tends to be cooler. We have tons of clean throws on an old wood ladder & pillows.


3. Candles!

I love when the candles of different seasons are going, great throws  & fresh plants!! I change the scents out periodically but usually stick to vanilla & traditional scents!

4. Fireplace!

This is more of a harder thing to implement, because lets be honest they can be  super expensive. We shopped around year's ago & grabbed this authentic cherry wood one for $250. They add ambiance & of course warmth if needed!!

5. Lighting!

This is something I can't stress enough..bright white lightning!!! It will make such a difference in a lower level feel. We have recessed, but lamps & crisp white ceilings also can help. I love using 100 watts { use at own discretion according to your home safety }. 

6. Rugs!

Rugs add that cozy feel again BUT also that main living look. I use neutral jute or sisal rugs but colorful, textured, thick ones help comfy it up.

7. Decor & Style!

This is my last tip, but probably most important other than the lighting...Decorate like you would you main level living or family room. Pick a style you love & implement it in your basement, so it feels just like any other cozy upper level. Don't treat it as a second class citizen hehe..

I hope you all got some simple ideas to refresh your lower level basement for spring. Hopefully you can look at your basement in a new light.. Do you use any of these tips already? 

Let me know in the comments how you keep your basement fresh etc.. Be sure to keep up  with the blog by SUBSCRIBING with your Email for FREE INSTANT UPDATES! { subscribe bar on right of blog}

Happy Thursday! 


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