Sunday, October 27, 2019

{ Classic Thanksgiving Tablescape}

This whole year has been really rough. When I say rough, I mean hard. Very hard both physically  & emotionally.  It started last Thanksgiving when I got violently  ill at our yearly  hosted Thanksgiving  dinner....
Anyways  let's back up ha, so each year I usually  skip a Thanksgiving  tablescape  because 1. I'm  pescatarian &  2. I don't think turkeys  are very appealing to decorate with. Well, I  vowed  to get stronger this year both for myself  & my business ,and although  it's  been hard I'm trying ...Back to this business  part, I've  been stepping  wayyy out of my comfort  zone recently  & even blogged a bunch of Halloween  posts  which I  never do but did!!! So this year before fastfowarding to Christmas I made time for a fabulous  Thanksgiving  Tablescape & I'm sharing today...eeek!!!!!


I have to be honest with you guys...I had no intentions of doing a Thanksgiving tablescape until I spotted this beautiful  orangey red garland @Michaels !! All their fall collections were on sale 70% making these garlands only $6 & some change!! I snagged two up & knew exactly  what I wanted to use them for!! 


I wanted a comfy  rustic cottage  look with tons of wood, oranges & textures mixed with a little  whimsical like the informal  vintage plaid dishes, gold silverware for warmth & lots of crisp whites! 

• Side Note: I bought 4 of these masons at Michael's as well on clearance!! They light up too.


Little  fact about me, I have next to nothing as far as Thanksgiving  decor goes, BUT I  did have this turkey randomly in my cupboard haha...I'm  not sure where he came from but HALLELUJAH!! He fit perfect in my new pie dish & I added some cotton stems to him!!


I'm  so glad I went on a shopping spree & bought all new cooking casseroles & dishes..The wood, white & traditional  orange go so well for this Thanksgiving  look!


I've  been having so much fun playing  around with this  table..I've  never had a rustic wood top..Always  white orange different material..I love how everything  looks against  this 40+ year old tabletop! The dark black throw/ runner even paired nicely.  The faint orange lines pair nicely  with the garland.

Do you host Thanksgiving? We do every year, so I'm  super excited to show off this new table & little  tablescape...seeing as it's  pretty much Christmas  in here bu Thanksgiving  usually  haha! Learn to slow my roll .

Happy Monday!

As always THANK YOU for stopping in on my little growing blog. I know everyone says something like this, but I honestly appreciate each of you for sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular blogger, but I am humble, real & practical ,and  hopefully helpful or inspiring in someway :). 
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