Monday, October 7, 2019

{ New Cozy Fall Dining Room Shelf }

So I've  said this many of times before, but I literally  get the bug to decorate & then all bleep bleep breaks loose haha. Well, that's  kind of what happened  on Saturday ...Mark was helping a family member move & spotted a table { super old vintage  one} at the Salvation  Army for $30..Yup, it was coming home with us!! Once it got home, I  got the itch to redecorate  a tiny bit before Christmas starts...Crazy, right?! Anyways, I didn't  have time to go shopping, but thankfully  I  have a stockpile  I hadn't  used...& that's  where the shelf comes into play...ha. We've never had a shelf in the dining  room like this, so I'm  excited to get creative. Come see this simple neutral fall dining  shelves first  look below!


I used everything  I  had because  honestly I'm  already planning for  November  1st when I start Christmas  inspiration.  I love fall, but Christmas  is my favorite. I tend to get bored of pumpkins,  but not Christmas  ha. Anyways a simple baking sign, neutral  gourds & pumpkins & voila! I can't  wait to play around  with this shelf..I have a DIY to it coming SOON!!


I shot this whole post with the new Note 10+ & I'm  actually  surprised! It's  not much different  than my Note 8, but a lot easier & clearer.  


I'll  be leaving this shelf  natural wood grain for now. It looks so warm with the textured burlap  pumpkins..


I don't think this space could have came together any better. I snuck in a sneak peek of the table below too. More on that later!! Until the next post,  I hope you loved this one. I have 2 big DIY's  coming to this space, STAY TUNED!! 

• Sorry, the golden hour crept  up on me, so the photos  a bit dark above. 


As always THANK YOU for stopping in on my little growing blog. I know everyone says something like this, but I honestly appreciate each of you for sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular blogger, but I am humble, real & practical ,and  hopefully helpful or inspiring in someway :). 

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