I've been getting a few questions about my latest obsession { ivy garland } , so I thought it was time to share a post with some photos & FAQS! I first spotted some I loved for super affordable at our local Dollar Tree...crazy right?! It was one of those last minute grabs & buy ha! For $1 though I thought what the heck.. Since then I've spotted the garland a few other places..but decidedly so I actually like the $1 stuff better!! Come gather some more information below!
.Dollar Tree
.Hobby Lobby
.Dollar Tree
.Hobby Lobby
I love it because it's so versatile! It's fresh, bright, simple, cozy & whimsical !! It's also very easy to drape in different spaces for a touch of greenery!
The large leaves make the garland cozy cottage or even farmhouse appropriate! The brown twine adds some rustic nature appeal .
I think my most favorite area I used the ivy garland was placing it in the window! It's so simple & fresh! • Full post HERE
Have you used ivy garland in decor? Which area we used it is your favorite?
Happy Tuesday!
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