Saturday, August 11, 2018

{ Vintage Linen Closet Door Update Pt.2 }

Hey pals!! They for stopping back in on my little blog! It's been a minute since I did an update on this vintage linen closet door we put in our little cottage the other weekend! My backs been killing from painting our upper level & I decided to take  a day to "recover". The last update HERE was to show you guys what it looked like in the super raw state & at that point the door didn't fit too well..Since then we trimmed it down a few more times, cleaned it up & I even styled it a bit...well just for this post ha. It's a short post, but I wanted to keep you guys in the loop since some of you have asked about how we got it, how old etc.. Anyways today I quickly & out of my norm wanted to share this quick fresh Saturday update! 

Even though this isn't how it looks right now & most likely won't be like this next time you see this closet. I wanted to show the clean, almost finished a little today! As you can see I haven't painted the back of it & I'm not sure I will..

No knob & still needs some paint, but I love her hahaha! She adds so much charm to our home & for nearly free. You can see the original post for details on where this door came from etc.. & Yes, I know the window panes have paint on them..I find the chippy look so cute!

I wanted to share this view into the room because as of right now everything is being white washed FINALLY! It needed it really bad , so finally it's being done, but still not sure about this color. Anyways a post for another day!

My grandpa's beloved stool & the only one I'm not deathly afraid to stand on....Y'all know I hate heights..eeek
Original post: HERE

I realized something while painting a bunch this week...I actually do like it but I'm like a.d.d at it haha. Anyone knows me, knows that I'm so ocd about things so that's so not like me ha. Anyways I said after all this painting I better have arms of steel haha..I kid!

I'm so glad the original hardware was still intact. I'll be reviewing it in the final post, which is coming super soon. It's projects that you think will be quick, actually turn out to take forever & vise versa! So,what do you think of progress? Hope you enjoy!

Happy weekend!
As always THANK YOU for stopping in on my little growing blog. I know everyone says something like this, but I honestly appreciate each of you for sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular blogger, but I am humble, real & practical ,and  hopefully helpful or inspiring in someway :). 
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