Sunday, May 12, 2019

{ Happy Mother's ALL kinds of Mothers}

Hey, you brave momma's- HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY 2019!! I never blog for Mother's Day because I'm not a "true" mom with real babies { by choice} but I am a fur mom & that got me thinking..ALL mom's should be recognized today. This means Soon- to- be, angel moms, step moms, trying moms, miscarried moms, adoptive moms, fur moms & everything in between! Nurturing caring & love are what makes a mom, so let's celebrate them ALL. Since today is also one of our fur babes Big 5th Birthday, I thought I share some fun photos I shot today!! CHEERS!


The two best rescues a fur mom could ask for. Stew & Swartz the "Wart". Ages 5 & 8 months. 


They told me this should be a Hallmark card  because they're so cute hehe!!


The big BIRTHDAY BOY! #5yearsold 
We love you Stewart aka Rudey!


Hope your day is special, whatever kind of mom you are!


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