Today was GLORIOUS! Glorious because instead of letting my struggles get in my way I decided to throw on some black ratty clothes, top knot & slides & go outside!! I'm glad I did because I got so much done, lots of sunny vitamin D & fresh air! It's been another long winter plus extra rainy spring here in Michigan, so it was indeed glorious...even if I did slice my finger wide open!
Today's post is one of absolute favorites to share with you guys- Patriotic decor ♡!!! When May hits I get the summer itch to make our traditional red brick cottage even more classic with patriotic goodness!! I love sharing with you guys to give you ideas since patriotic decor can be tricky if not decorated correctly!
Come see our front porch decked out for Memorial day !!!
This was a spur of the moment shoot..kind of! You see , I knew I wanted to get a Memorial Day post out & yesterday the opportunity arose when I was waiting for our patio to dry!
I got Mark's drill out & hung our flag, but before that I sliced my finger open with it's not perfect & I got blood on the flag...
Our home has a very classic traditional look, almost stately, so I wanted to keep with that look! Simple vintage metal watering cans, flag, boxwood greenery & comfy flip flops ha!
I debated on posting this photo because my Jeep is in the driveway & I had to jumble our address for privacy, but I did anyway!!! Nothing more classic than a jeep & red garage right!?
The wicker basket gave that touch of New England charm but still classic traditional! These baskets are so easy to find at thrift shops & for close to nothing!!
I hope you loved this classic patriotic porch of ours! Our little home fits this style so easily I couldn't not do a post + share sources / tips for my pals!
HAPPY Thursday!
As always THANK YOU for stopping in on my little growing blog. I know everyone says something like this, but I honestly appreciate each of you for sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular blogger, but I am humble, real & practical ,and hopefully helpful or inspiring in someway :).
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