A different type of post today but you guys know I love to include you in our life including some fun purchases/ lifestyle journeys! So little back story on this cute gem..It's a vintage gas beaut that is totally customized! She's been rebuilt from the ground up, with wifi, stereo, lights, blinkers, vintage rims, horn, hazards, cupholders, cooler storage, headlights, phone charger, lighter, bump guard etc.. We had been looking for a gas club car for quite sometime with no luck..They were either electric or sold. We stopped looking for awhile because we got busy with summer, projects & honestly just forgot!! About 3 weeks ago Mark was on Craigslist looking for furniture & stumbled upon this car! We loved the vintage appeal { we didn't want brand new for this reason} from the color to new everything! Come see some pictures below & WHY we wanted/ needed a Club Car 🚗.!
Isn't she cute y'all?! We've named her "Gidget" hahaha! I think it fits nicely with all her gadgets! As you can see she's completely brand new, custom & very comfortable!
• We added her black top once we uploaded her. I'll photograph soon!
** Side Note: How cute is the matching greenery planter!
The owner added these vintage rims that finished her off! She goes 32mph & the stereo is so loud..Which will be nice for cruises up north at the cottage & trips to the ponds! That's one of the reasons we wanted a club car was for up north cruising. Another being antiquing, fun & hauling { she's got a back fold down area!
** Sorry she's dirty, needs a washing! SOON!
We've already taken her on a little adventure & we can't wait to show more of her & the adventures & memories we take + make!
I hope you loved this little post about our new family member ha! Do you have favorite toy or club car? Do you name your vehicles silly names like us??
HAPPY Tuesday!
As always THANK YOU for stopping in on my little growing blog. I know everyone says something like this, but I honestly appreciate each of you for sharing my posts, commenting etc....I'm not the biggest or most popular blogger, but I am humble, real & practical ,and hopefully helpful or inspiring in someway :).
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How fun! I bet you'll have lots of adventures with Gidget!