Hey guys!! It's been over a week since I blogged anything & that honestly irritates the bleep out of me..ugh! I've been MIA for this past week because I've been feeling poopy to put it nicely! I loveee blogging & not being able to work because your head hurts so bad..Ya, not fun AT ALL!! This is my most favorite time of the year & I hate feeling so down. My sinuses have been driving me insane literally to where I couldn't even stand/ function without the room spinning etc..but I'm back today with some helpful holiday tips!! I know it's too early ..blah blah blah..I LOVE the holidays & embrace them!! I honestly love all the holidays, but for some reason Christmas is just one of those holidays that make me feel so good { I blame my mom ;) } ! She was always so into Christmas when we were young & I have great memories/traditions surrounding Christmas time. I mean no school, delicious food, gifts, family & my grandparents orange carpet that I loved ..I know, I'm weird hahaha! Anyways I'm not skipping Thanksgiving..I already blogged our Tablescape & DIY sign here -->2015 Thanksgiving Tablescape! ! If we're being honest I'm just not that into Thanksgiving decor ..I mean turkeys aren't cute to me so onto something that makes me feel good & that's CHRISTMAS!!! Today I'm sharing 4 simple ways that I get ready for the season! I feel like people think bloggers like myself "rush" everything & that's NOT the case. Some of us just simply love the holiday itself whichever it may be & want to share our decor/inspiration with you all :)! Keep reading to see how I prep & get in the jolly spirit...
- New Items & Scents -
1. ) As soon as holiday decor comes out { Usually late September } here in the north I like to look at all the new or new stuff to me. This year while at +home depot blog I spotted these stick ornaments { $7 } that are scented like real trees! A few other bloggers informed me they had tried them last year for their faux trees so why not?! Anything Christmas scent related or new to me this season I'm game for!! Trying new stuff keeps things fresh & fun each year right?!
Side Note: This is not a sponsored post by Home Depot!
- Bring Out Your Bins -
2. ) Grab out all of your Christmas decor bins & trees..Ya, I'll spare you how many trees and bins we have heheh! I like to go through the bins & see what I have, what I plan on using this year & what I'm not using! This helps keep the mess down instead of frantically searching for stuff a few weeks before Christmas , buying extras, or not having something you needed!! Remember just because the bins are out doesn't mean you have to decorate!! Open, sort ,& take note and push aside until you feel you're ready! Lets be honest though in our house that NEVER happens haha ;)!
- Grab Inspiration -
3.) The next thing I recommend & do myself are browse stores for inspiration!! This year is a great example of this..I completely switched up our holiday decor { Stay tuned} & needed some inspiration!! A few nights ago while +HomeGoods with my sister I spotted some of these goodies!! Although I didn't buy anything they still gave me ideas..I usually take inspiration from several different places & then come up with something of my own to keep it fresh & fun!
- Play Around With Decor -
4.) My last tip or thing I do is throw a few things up & let them marinate hahah! I'm so serious about this..I literally just popped this mini tree in our upper level living room up & stared at it for days thinking of something to do different this year upstairs..I obviously didn't fluff it or decorate it , but it's fun to play around with ideas or small areas !! P.S. I can't wait to show you guys or 2015 Holiday Home Tour!! If you want some simple inspiration hop on over & see our 2014 Holiday Tour --->Our 2014 Holiday Home Tour! !
Whether you embrace the holidays or despise them, I hope you find joy somewhere or somehow this year in the warmth the holidays bring & also these little tips help you start your season simply & practically!!
Happy Thursday guys!!
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