Happyyyy Tuesday! Hope you all are having a great week thus far! It's snowing again..bleck { see my last post } ha! It's been getting super cold here in the "mitten" recently so I've been adding some layering to the bedroom because for some reason it's the coldest room in our house!!!! My husband doesn't tolerate a cold room well, so I've been adding lots of throws, pillows etc..I thought since I was adding some layers to the bedroom I would add some simple & free inspirational quotes too! I picked two that stood out to me..I'll get to why I chose them below. If you've been reading, or shall I say following along these past few weeks you would know a few thing happened, and of course they were frightening or an annoyance etc..but they don't compare to some of the things I've been hearing about or what others are going through..I'm the type of person who hates that I can't "fix" something immediately or comfort those in need { human or animals}. I promised myself that I was going to be more patient with myself & others this year & today was a great example. I'm usually always on high strung mode & my husband is the" let things pass" type..We balance each other out you could say :). I'm either always craving structure/routine OR spontaneous action/adventure...Yup, that's me. I've been that way for the longest time ever & it's a constant struggle within..Today was one of those mixed days..an accomplishing laid back day, then the hustle & bustle started{ always something going on in our little suburban cottage} & I felt my adrenaline rising,BUT instead of getting worked up I kept calm { it was something good } and went with it . It was my OCD ways just getting the best of me & wanting everything to be done or in its place at that moment. Anyways I'm sharing all of this because honestly all the little stuff doesn't really matter & I'm finally starting to see that. It's about following your passion, setting goals, loving family etc..This is why I thought adding some inspirational quotes to each of our nightstands would be great to add that bit of instant cheer upon waking especially since winter can be dreary!!
"Some People Don't Believe in Heroes, but They Have Never Met My Husband".
This speaks volumes to me on so many levels. Ya, I get we all think our husband's are the best & that's how it should be, but honestly my husband is a hero. This man has been through so much from A-Z & still is just so loving & inspiring in every way possible { even when he's pestering me hehe }. I want him to see this every time he wakes up & know how much I LOVE HIM & how I think of him. I loved the font & it just looked so simple with the rustic wood frame.
P.S. I'll cherish you forever Mr. Markie :) .
" The Strongest People Are Not Those Who Show Strength In Front Of Us, But Those Who Win Battles We Know Nothing About".
I love this quote too, because it's the realest one out there! This is true of so many, & that's why we shouldn't judge. I'm guilty of this myself..I've been broken so many times & to be wagering a battle within takes far more strength then outside. People may come off a certain way, myself included, but it's because of certain things we have or are dealing with. Sometimes just understanding enough to be calm with a person is enough to help. It's such a great reminder to wake up to.
The white ruffle comforter is from +Better Homes and Gardens & the check duvet at the end of the bed is from +IKEA USA . The grey & cream plush throw is from +Target .
I spotted this pillow in +PotteryBarn . a few weeks before Christmas & had to grab it. It's definitely a reminder to us. We have come so far from being in love wild teenagers to building this life, business, & so much more to come ;) ;)! I love the grey /black & simple look, yet bold statement! I got it on sale for $13 !!!!
I sincerely hope you guys have a great rest of the week & cherish whoever or whatever makes you happy! Thanks so much for stopping by my little growing blog!!
**Both images were found via Pinterest/Google Search.
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